
The potential for memory formation through narrative.

 インタビューなどの語りの場において、語り手はさまざまな過去の経験を想起する。その中から聞き手との関係性に応じて語る事を取捨選択し、語ることで記憶を形成する。そのような枠組みを前提として、修士作品以前に制作した《まなざしの差異》《注ぎ溢れ、注がれる》《2014》の分析を行った。先の 2 作品は筆者の祖母へのインタビューの映像とそれを筆者が見返して記述したテキストから成り立つ。 本論ではインタビュー当時の記憶と後日記述したテキストの比較を行なった。また 3 つ目の作品は筆者を含め 3 人の人物が筆者の母について語ることで母の人物像を捉え直すことを意図したものである。この作品の考察からは聞き手と語り手の関係性が語りに及ぼす影響について言及した。以上の結果、語りにまつわるいくつかの要点を見出した。


 本論ではあらかじめ記述したテキストと語られた内容の比較分析から、記述されたが語られなかったこと、記述されないが語られたことに着目し、語りの性質を考察した。結果、語り直しの側面、断定を避ける側面、自己呈示の側面の 3 つの側面を見出した。また、作品中で筆者が語る際の聞き手の想定が、語りに及ぼす影響に着目し、聞き手の在り方によって、語りの性質が変化することを考察した。

The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of memory formation by use of recursive repetition of narratives through the author’s past activities and practice of producing master’s works. In interviews and other narrative situations, the narrator recalls various past experiences. From among these, the speaker selects and chooses what to say according to their relationship with the listeners, and by telling the story, they form a memory. Based on the premise of such a mechanism, we analyzed “Manazashi No Isa,” “Sosogiafure, Sosogu,” and “2014.” The first two works consist of a video interview with the author’s grandmother and a text written by the author after reviewing the video. These works compare memories from the time of the interview with texts described at a later date. The third work is intended to redefine the “character” that is the author’s mother by having three people, including the author, talk about her. the discussion of this work mentioned the influence of the relationship between the listener and the narrator on the narrative. The discussion of this work mentioned the influence of the relationship between the listener and the narrator on the narrative. As a result of the above, we found several key points related to the narrative:

The narrator recalls specific experiences in the narrative.
Memories are formed by discarding them and telling them.
If the listener shares a common basis of experience with the narrator, the formation of the listener’s memory will do the same.
The relationship between the narrator and the writer establishes the narrative field.
What can be said or heard is decided according to the relationship.

 Based on a comparative analysis of the pre-described text and what was said, this paper examines the nature of the narrative, focusing on what was described but not said, and what was not described but said. As a result, three aspects were found: the aspect of retelling, the aspect of avoiding assertion, and the aspect of self-presentation. In this project, we also focused on the influence of the listener’s assumptions on the narrative as the author tells their story and examined how the nature of the narrative changes depending on the state of the listener.
 In this project, the memories formed in the narrative are organized by the description of the text, and the experience is recalled anew by telling it again. It was then a repetition of reinterpretation of the memories formed at the time of filming by further reviewing the images of the author’s narrative. I believe that this cyclical process of recalling experiences and forming memories based on the selection of narratives has the effect of continuing to form memories on a sustained basis.
 The narrator and listener in the works discussed in this paper are grandmother and granddaughter, and it is assumed that they share a common foundation of experience.
