
Pleasantly surprising and fun workshops will be held.
Everyone is welcome to participate. The theme is of course Janken.

Ogaki Janken Ensemble
- Creating Music by Janken Workshop -


Using Janken's rules let's make instruments and music!
In this workshop a percussionist will serve as a lecturer on how to make original instruments, and then show how to use Janken's rules to enjoy musical performance.

From children to adults, anyone may participate. (Children under fourth year in elementary school must be accompanied by a parent)
In the first session participants will make an original instrument and mallet (striking stick) using bamboo.
In the second session participants will enjoy an ensemble using Janken's rules with the instruments they made themselves.
In the third session a joint recital will be carried out in the Softopia Japan Center Seminar Hall.

Date and Time:
First Session 9/30 (Saturday) Morning Class 9:00-12:00, Afternoon Class 14:00-17:00
Second Session 10/01 (Sunday) Morning Class 9:00-12:00, Afternoon Class 14:00-17:00
Third Session 10/09 (Monday, Holiday) Morning, Afternoon Joint Class
¡¡Rehearsal 12:00-14:00 Recital 14:00-16:00

Place: First and second sessions at Butokuden third session at Softopia 1F Seminar Hall
Target Group: All ages (children under fourth year in elementary school must be accompanied by a parent); if possible, individuals who can participate all three times.

Participation Limit: 20 people (in order of arrival)
Enrollment Fee: Free
Individually Prepared Items: Writing utensils, scissors, facemask (for bamboo shavings that stick out), cotton work gloves (a saw will be used)

Application: Please email Fill in the subject line as Ogaki Janken Ensemble, and clearly specify full name, age, phone number and desired class, addressed to the IAMAS Center for Media Culture (CMC).

Yoshihisa Suzuki Percussionist, Composer
Ritsuko Matsumoto Marimbist

Date: 2006.09.13 6:01 AM |