TOHYAMA Masahiro


A study of community space type live streaming using dialogue system


Small talk is essential to humans. According to a 2014 research by Koiso and her team from the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, small talk consists of over 60% of conversational activities a day. It is an inseparable part of our daily lives. Rinna is a prime example of a dialogue system geared mainly toward holding casual conversations. Developed by Microsoft and released in July 2015 as a LINE account, Rinna is an AI high school girl chatbot. Today, 8.3 million users enjoy chatting with Rinna, who is so popular that some people spend 17 hours a week exchanging over 2,000 back-and-forth messages with her. This shows that there is a growing interest in dialogue systems today, and experts predict the demand will continue to grow in the future.
 At the same time, however, dialogue systems still face many issues. To begin with, the computer has difficulty picking up on anything beyond the surface meaning of words (such as deeper implications). There is also the frame problem, which grapples with the difficulty of setting an appropriate frame in which to consider what changes and what does not change as a result of an action or event. As many such complex issues remain unresolved, there is no dialogue system that can, as of yet, hold conversations on the same level as humans. Furthermore, most of the dialogue systems being used in society today are created on the assumption that conversations are one-on-one between the system and one person. This is because a methodology for creating a multi-party dialogue system of three or more people has not yet been established. Even though multi-party dialogues are important, such systems are still in the research stages at this point. In particular, hardly any research has been devoted to a dialogue system that would also include multi-party communication between users.
 As such, I decided to create a community space live streaming system. For the purpose of this research, I define community space live streaming as an activity during which viewers do not just passively sit back and watch, but rather interact with each other through the content of the live stream. The dialogue system would provide topics of conversation during the live stream, which I believed would prompt viewers to talk, not only with the system, but also with each other. If this were possible, I hypothesized that the system would encourage small talk, which is vital to humans, and also provide a potential roadmap to establishing a multi-party dialogue system.
 Based on the above hypothesis, I created Mikumarion. This is a database and dialogue system based on Crypton Future Media’s character Hatsune Miku. The images of Hatsune Miku that exist in the minds of people interested in the character were collected as sample data and made into a database, and that data was used as a basis for live streaming.
 Using Mikumarion, I held 13 live streaming sessions on YouTube between the end of October 2020 and the beginning of January 2021. The results illustrated the potential of the dialogue system in encouraging viewers to interact with one another. However, two issues presented a challenge to creating continued human interactions over a longer period of time. The first was that some people were hesitant to suddenly jump into conversations during the live streams. Second, once participants started getting used to the sessions, they got bored. In the research paper, I examined these issues and considered three solutions: finding an appropriate platform, finding ways to facilitate conversations, and finding ways to prevent participants from growing bored.

