スマートフォンによって変化した写真の受容に関する考察  ─作品《Invisible view》の制作を通して─

"Invisible view": A study on the appreciation of photography changed by smartphones

本論文は修士作品《Invisible view》の制作を元に、モバイルデバイスであるスマートフォンがもたらしたデジタル写真の受容への影響を考察する。

Based on the creation of the artwork, Invisible View, this thesis investigates the influence on the reception of digital pictures brought about by smartphones. The artist made their master’s work concerning the topic of “surface.” The work is constructed of three types of pictures: original printing paper, large printing paper, and webpage images. Three people’s pointer finger tips were photographed and printed on printing paper. When a chemical, made mostly of acetone, is placed on the surface of the image, the ink melts and peels away leaving traces of the image’s materiality on its surface. Furthermore, once that surface is photographed with a macro lens and printed on large printing paper, traces of its materiality, invisible to the naked eye, appear, mixed with the fingerprints. Also, when these images are placed on a website, using the zoom in and out mechanism of ‘pinching in and out’ I made an experience wherein the image is appreciated through touch. The traces of materiality, remaining on the surface of the printing paper, function as guidelines for the web page-based and large print-based appreciation of the work. In this manner, I hoped to intertwine the three differing experiences of the images.
 In this thesis, based on the production of that artwork, I consider photographs from the following three perspectives.
 The first is paper as medium – the change of display media from the physical to on-screen media. The second is the change of the appreciation experience by way of the fingertip-based manipulation involved in touch displays. The third is the various changes in perspective that align with the relevant location of appreciation. From these three perspectives, I question the indexicality of digital photographs and consider the reception of those photographs in contemporary society since the ubiquity of smartphones.
 In this research, “reception” refers to not just the appreciation of artistic works but also the viewing of photos in general. Through appreciation, the investigation of how we look at photos everyday connects to reconsidering the “reception” of photographs.
 Also, as background to the thesis artwork, I overview the development of photography technology up to the present wherein the smartphone is the main photograph-viewing device, and the history and worldwide consciousness of aerial photography.
 Finally, based on the results before and after the presentation of the master’s work, I question the indexicality of digital photography and propose a new way of viewing photography, a “drone perspective.” This perspective creates a sense of “being in the photograph.” This sense of presence in the photograph is theorized by way of considering the touching screen interaction as an “illusion of matter” that is a characteristic way of appreciating photography through a smartphone.
