MENON Kartica Mohandas


Understanding The Process of Habituation Through Autoethnography


Habituation is a process of non-associative learning where response to a stimulus decreases after repeated exposure to the stimulus. Habituation is affected by the change in duration, intensity and frequency of stimulus. As we go through our daily lives we are unaware of the things we are constantly getting used to or getting habituated to. Over a period of time , without our conscious knowledge it could become an innate part of our identity.
 In this research, to understand the process of habituation within myself,I look into the process of getting used to people(new relationships), perceptual habituation and habituation to a social situation(here, abandoned houses) by analysing my stay at Neo Village for a period of two months. I have used the autoethnography method to understand the process- by journaling everyday incidents, my reactions, interactions and thoughts and then analysing all the data. The process brought forward past memories through certain incidents at Neo. Revisiting the past from time to time while experiencing the present is the core concept for my artwork and the narratives in the research. Autoethnography narratives describe in detail how incidents unfolded and the installation artwork lets the audience experience a part of my memories and thoughts. When both the works are read and experienced together, it creates a deeper understanding of how memories played a role in understanding habituation.
 The process of habituation is a mesh of many events and many seemingly dis-connected events could actually be connected in ways that are difficult to make sense of. Our past experiences and memories have a strong influence in how we interpret, interact and the time we take to get habituated to a relationship, sensation and social situation.
