
Study on the workshop for children in the online


The spread of COVID-19 in 2020 accelerated society’s shift to going online, and online workshops are currently treated as a substitute for onsite workshops. By holding workshops online, the definition of conventional workshops is starting to change. Furthermore, despite the rapid shift to going online, people who hold workshops have hardly studied how best to utilize the internet based on actual sessions with children.
 As such, this research aimed to lay the groundwork to ensure that online workshops for children are held correctly as they become more widespread. My objectives were to highlight the potential of holding workshops for children online and to redefine what a workshop is.
 First, I identified the issues of holding workshops online. The first is understanding and utilizing the advantages of an online setting. The second is designing the elements of a workshop. In terms of understanding and utilizing the advantages of an online setting, the biggest advantage is being able to decide whether to synchronize or not synchronize time, place and communication. To make it easier to design workshops using this advantage, I classified online workshops into three categories: non-synchronized, live-streamed, and synchronized. In terms of designing the elements of a workshop, I pointed out that communication and collaborative work, which are two elements that characterize workshops, become difficult in an online setting. To address this, I analyzed other related works and laid out steps to solve the problem.
 Next, to demonstrate that the conclusions drawn from the above analyses are valid and that online workshops hold potential, I conducted three workshops titled: “Connecting Landscapes,” “#XX’s Everyday Life,” and “Remote Control.” Based on the three classifications of online workshops, I utilized the synchronized/non-synchronized advantages of an online setting and designed the workshops with a focus on communication and collaborative work.
 The results revealed that the potential of online workshops can be expanded by fully utilizing online advantages and showed the many possibilities of holding workshops online. To redefine what a workshop is, I pointed out that holding online workshops was about critically reviewing conventional workshops. For one, two-way communication—regardless of whether it is a dialogue or what type of media is being used—is about building a relationship in which you can feel connected to the other person as well as to yourself and motivate each other. For another, it is important that everything creates a link. What you learn and create must affect the other person, and what the other person learns and creates must affect you. As such, I added “link” as a new element of a workshop. Accordingly, I redefined workshop as “a program that links your learning and creation and the learning and creation of others through two-way communication.”
